Hello, I'm

Epafras Girsang

Fullstack Web Developer

From Ngawi, Indonesia

Let's Talk

My Intro

About Me

A self taught web developer, who loves do codes and design web. Help other to build their website , are my objective

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Favorite Skills

My Skills

See fully what skills I have and perform, to develop the projects for you.

See Projects
  1. HTML & CSS
  2. Bootstrap
  3. Tailwind CSS
  4. PHP
  5. Laravel
  1. Javascript
  2. React JS
  3. Vue JS
  4. Git & Github
  5. Figma

My Service

What I Do

Website and Landing Page

Development of custom web pages. Using current technologies and libraries of the labor field.

Progressive Web App

I offer design of web interfaces and mobile applications, design made in figma, adobe xd and sketch.

UI/UX Design

I make designs at the client's request, banner design, posters, digital designs among others.

My Jobs

Recent Projects

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